Hello lovely lesbians

Hi, and welcome to my blog for clueless lesbians.

I should warn you that I’ve never ‘blogged’ anything in my life before, so this is another little adventure to be had.

So, I’m wondering, how did you come out? Were you even in, or like me, in for all my adult life but knew I should be out?

Shaking it all about…


In my previous life I was with a man for 11 years, married to him for 5, then met a woman online, had the epiphany, left the husband, moved in with the woman, had the great sex, divorced the husband….and through all that had hardly any clue how to deal with the ups and downs of an actual lesbian relationship.

I did occasionally shake it all about though.

But to a newbie, it’s daunting, whatever your age.

I did the right thing by ending my marriage and being honest with myself – we come out to ourselves, not to others. Once we are honest and true with ourselves about our sexuality, the hard bit is done. It then gives you the confidence to share it with others.

If I’d come out 30 years ago, it was a very different time and I don’t think it would have been anywhere near so easy – this is a much more accepting and enlightened era, and attitudes have – generally – mellowed, at least in the UK. In parts of the US and elsewhere in the world of course it’s still not easy at all, and in some countries, it’s even illegal and punishable by death. So, I take nothing for granted.

But, really, does who I share my life with make any difference to someone else’s day? Well, only if it’s them I share my life with.

Believe me, if you don’t have a say in the colour of my kitchen, then you certainly have no say in my choice of partner.

But I can guarantee I’m having way better sex than them…I do know how to shake it all about.

So, I’d love to hear your story – how you came to be at this point in your life. And if you have a clue what to do with it.

I’m going to post random thoughts, questions and occasional witty and insightful jottings on here,  feel free to comment…but constructively please.

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